Friday 10 April 2015

Reflection 4, Week 5.


This week I will be examining two types of ICT tools (Information Communication Technology). After listening to the on line tutorial this week Gary mentioned some exciting tools to get stuck into and have a play with. 
The first of the Group three ICT tools  I have decided to use is the Prezi tool which is much like power point but has some really cool features of how you can make the presentation zoom in and out. 
In my discussion I have related this to the SAMR Model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition) and also conducted a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) on the ICT tool. 
The second is from the Group four ICT tools which is the mind mapping program. With this tool I used it as an example of how a task could be incorporated into the learning environment.

Group 3 ICT Tool

Prezi SAMR Model

The Prezi tool is the ICT tool from the Group three list I decided to engage with. It has a range of different tools when compared to the traditional Power-point used for presentations. I decided to create a brief presentation explaining the break even point in business. It did not take me long to become accustom with the tools and modification was very simple. 
This could be a great tool for students but keeping in mind the SAMR model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification & Redefinition) where the focus would be ensuring the use of the tool was associated to the upper section on the SAMR model of either modification or redefinition.
A perfect example of this would be a task where the students could create their own presentation. This would fall under modification on the SAMR model as it is getting the student away from the traditional methods used for presentations. 
My main subject being business, power-point presentations are used frequently in business and often people do not look for tools outside the traditional source of a power-point. I believe if students where to create a Prezi presentation this would wow many people in the business community. It would also keep the audiences engaged longer in a short presentation rather than having a power-point presentation. 
After creating my own Prezi which can be viewed in Fig 1. I then decided to create a SWOT analysis on the Prezi tool. Overall I did not find a lot of threats and believe it could become a meaningful and valuable ICT tool used in the learning environment. 

SWOT Analysis on Prezi ICT tool.

  • Easy to use and simple quick log in.
  • Displayed publicly so anyone can see (On free version).
  • Easy to insert images from the web.
  • Ideal for short presentations.
  • Grabs audience's attention quickly.
  • Breaks away from traditional presentation platforms.

  • To obtain privacy of your publication must buy a version of Prezi.
  • Images inserted are straight from the internet making it hard to reference these images.
  • Limited templates (On free version).
  • Zoom feature can be over used making audience nauseous when viewing presentation.

  • To buy a version to obtain privacy and access to more tools.
  • Is more interactive then Power-point.
  • Engages students to look for alternatives in presentation styles.

  • On the free version all Prezi's produced have no privacy setting. 
  • Students could post explicit material or breach copyright law.

(Fischer, Halacsy & Arvai 2009)

Group 4 ICT Tool is the second ICT tool from group four I engaged with. It is basically a on line mind mapping tool. The tool is very easy to use and in minutes you can have a mind map with the essentials already listed. 
A major positive I found for tool is its instant styling. Styling can be easily tailored as you work through the process of creating a mind map. 
I have only ever used Microsoft word in the past for the creation of a mind map and always dreaded the task. The actual set up of a mind map in Microsoft Word would be very time consuming. This also stifled my thoughts as I was paying too much attention on the aesthetics of the mind map. 
I wish I had known of this tool earlier as I have already created two mind maps this semester for another subject. This is an ICT tool I will be most definitely going back to use again and again. 
Once again referring back to my subject of Business this would be a great tool where students could be assigned into groups and given a task to brain storm ideas. If the students were given access to it online they could also add to this mind map at any time or day. All members could be given access to the tool making this possible and you the teacher still remain in control as the administrator. This would also encourage learning outside of the classroom. Students could add content as the idea was generated. Not wait until they were back in the learning environment. 
I decided to have a go at the ICT tool and started off generating marketing strategies for a new business which could be associated to any business. This could be a great starting exercise in a lesson for students to get them thinking about ways of marketing a new or any business.
Please refer to Fig 2 for my first mind map created on

Fig 2. New Business Marketing Ideas Mind Map.
(Edelman & Amelyan 2006)

This week I have really enjoyed interacting with the ICT tools selected Prezi from group three and from group four. 
I believe both these ICT tools would really engage all types of learners as they really appeal on so many different stimulus levels. A learning theory I believe it would have a major impact in would be social constructivism. Social constructivism is learning through the guidance and collaboration with others (GSI Teaching and resource center, 2015). Both these ICT tools could aide this learning of social constructivism. The Prezi could develop this learning theory by either a presentation from the Teacher to the Students or from Students to other students. The could be a great tool for the encouragement of this learning theory as it can engage students working together both in the traditional learning environment of a classroom or the modern online forum.

I hope you have enjoyed my synopsis on these two ICT tools and feel free to leave a comment below.

Week 4.Final Post: 10/04/15.


A, S. Fischer. P, Halacsy., & P, Arvai. (2009). Prezi presentation software. [Computer software].  Budapest, Hu: Sunstone Capital.

GSI Teaching and resource centre (2015). Social Constructivism
Retreieved from

K, Edelman. L, Amelyan. (2006). Mind mapping, Brainstorming, Organising Tool. [Computer software]. Milwaukee, Wi: LKCollab, LLC.

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