Saturday 11 April 2015

Reflection 5, Week 6.


Well here we are in week 6 how time flies when you're having fun. This week was about mobile phone and tablets and how they can be incorporated into the learning environment.
This week I have had some real fun again mucking around with ICT tools and I choose QR codes (Quick Response). I now actually understand them and there functionality a lot more after this week's learning's.
I then further explored how I could relate QR codes in the learning environment of key learning area, Business and applied SAMR model.
I hope you enjoy.

QR Code

I couldn't resist as soon as I finished getting through this week's learning materials I just had to create a QR code. So I jumped straight in and downloaded a QR code reader for my IPad and IPhone and uploaded it to the device. Then it was decisions, decisions what do I make my first QR code link too? The possibilities where endless, URL's, Email addresses, videos and pod-casts pretty much anything that is on the internet, that's how I understand it anyway. Well what better way to link my learning and create a QR code for my blog which can be found in Fig 1. Go on if you have a QR code reader test my work, I dare you. lol.

Fig 1. QR Code to my blog. (Kaywa QR MGMT, n.d.) 

Well I tested it on my IPhone and it worked. So if it didn't work for you then there is something obviously wrong at your end. :-)

Fig 2. Iphone Problem. (, n.d.).

The QR code reader I downloaded was so simple to use. I even downloaded another version which was better as it did not come with advertisements which filled my Iphone screen after scanning the QR code. 
Some of the examples detailed in this week's readings of how the QR code can be used in the learning environment I found very clever. From sports lessons to setting up a treasure hunt. The treasure hunt I could really relate to as QR codes spark the imagination and I guess this is why they have eventuated into a marketing tool. 
From its first simple beginnings as a new type of bar-code for businesses that required more information than the traditional 1D bar-code. The QR Code filled a demand by offering a 2D code which could have multiple amounts of information applied to it (, n.d.)
Anyone that has a curiosity wants to find where the QR code will take them. With today's generation becoming more and more technological savvy these types of ICT tools spark interest and fill that curiosity urge.

How I use QR Codes in the Learning Environment

This was a interesting concept because unless the QR code is used in the right context it is simply a hyperlink in a sense. This would then only reach Substitution or Augmentation in the SAMR model. My key learning area being business a way I believed students could incorporate this into their learning would be to be ask them how a QR code could be used in a business outside its usual mode of a product code? I then created a mind map on ways I explored this task see Fig 3.

Fig . QR Code use in class room mindmap (Edelman & Amelyan, 2006). 

To reach redefinition students could be asked how the use of the QR Code could be used in business and then choose one of these areas and incorporate it into their work. For example design a website displaying a company's safety performance and create a QR code which could be displayed beside the safety notice board in an actual business.

Thanks again for reading and any comments are always much appreciated.

Week 6.
Final Post: 12/04/15.

References: (n.d.). iPhone Problems
Retrieved from: Link

Kaywa QR MGMT (n.d.). QR Management Plans and Pricing

K, Edelman. L, Amelyan. (2006). Mind mapping, Brainstorming, Organising Tool. [Computer software]. Milwaukee, Wi: LKCollab, LLC. (n.d.). History of QR Code

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