Saturday 11 April 2015

Reflection 5, Week 6.


Well here we are in week 6 how time flies when you're having fun. This week was about mobile phone and tablets and how they can be incorporated into the learning environment.
This week I have had some real fun again mucking around with ICT tools and I choose QR codes (Quick Response). I now actually understand them and there functionality a lot more after this week's learning's.
I then further explored how I could relate QR codes in the learning environment of key learning area, Business and applied SAMR model.
I hope you enjoy.

QR Code

I couldn't resist as soon as I finished getting through this week's learning materials I just had to create a QR code. So I jumped straight in and downloaded a QR code reader for my IPad and IPhone and uploaded it to the device. Then it was decisions, decisions what do I make my first QR code link too? The possibilities where endless, URL's, Email addresses, videos and pod-casts pretty much anything that is on the internet, that's how I understand it anyway. Well what better way to link my learning and create a QR code for my blog which can be found in Fig 1. Go on if you have a QR code reader test my work, I dare you. lol.

Fig 1. QR Code to my blog. (Kaywa QR MGMT, n.d.) 

Well I tested it on my IPhone and it worked. So if it didn't work for you then there is something obviously wrong at your end. :-)

Fig 2. Iphone Problem. (, n.d.).

The QR code reader I downloaded was so simple to use. I even downloaded another version which was better as it did not come with advertisements which filled my Iphone screen after scanning the QR code. 
Some of the examples detailed in this week's readings of how the QR code can be used in the learning environment I found very clever. From sports lessons to setting up a treasure hunt. The treasure hunt I could really relate to as QR codes spark the imagination and I guess this is why they have eventuated into a marketing tool. 
From its first simple beginnings as a new type of bar-code for businesses that required more information than the traditional 1D bar-code. The QR Code filled a demand by offering a 2D code which could have multiple amounts of information applied to it (, n.d.)
Anyone that has a curiosity wants to find where the QR code will take them. With today's generation becoming more and more technological savvy these types of ICT tools spark interest and fill that curiosity urge.

How I use QR Codes in the Learning Environment

This was a interesting concept because unless the QR code is used in the right context it is simply a hyperlink in a sense. This would then only reach Substitution or Augmentation in the SAMR model. My key learning area being business a way I believed students could incorporate this into their learning would be to be ask them how a QR code could be used in a business outside its usual mode of a product code? I then created a mind map on ways I explored this task see Fig 3.

Fig . QR Code use in class room mindmap (Edelman & Amelyan, 2006). 

To reach redefinition students could be asked how the use of the QR Code could be used in business and then choose one of these areas and incorporate it into their work. For example design a website displaying a company's safety performance and create a QR code which could be displayed beside the safety notice board in an actual business.

Thanks again for reading and any comments are always much appreciated.

Week 6.
Final Post: 12/04/15.

References: (n.d.). iPhone Problems
Retrieved from: Link

Kaywa QR MGMT (n.d.). QR Management Plans and Pricing

K, Edelman. L, Amelyan. (2006). Mind mapping, Brainstorming, Organising Tool. [Computer software]. Milwaukee, Wi: LKCollab, LLC. (n.d.). History of QR Code

Reflective Synopsis


The final blog entry is a reflection of the last six weeks learning's. I conducted a Positive, Minus and Interesting analysis (PMI) on the process of the blog learning process.
I then conducted a SAMR Model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition) on how the blog process would have been developed through the use of ICT's.
I then concluded with some final thoughts on my blog experience.

PMI (+ - ?)


Being able to view and comment on other student's work really opened up my view and opinion to their reflections, thoughts and ideas. Some of the other student's statements I agreed with, but had not necessarily thought of myself. It was great being able to then make comment and discuss topics on the blog and provide feedback on their blog. I also found it very comforting as I received praise on my work from other student's and it also confirmed you were on the right track with your work. I find this aspect very interesting as it shows the benefits from peer review and in some learning environments the teacher will not always be available to provide praise or constructive feedback. This type of learning would be related to the learning theory Social Constructivism this is learning that takes place with the collaboration with others (GSI Teaching and resource centre, 2015)


Some areas of concern I found with the blog task was there seemed to be a lot of confusion from some student's on what was actually required in the blog. I noticed a lot of discussion weekly on the forums of students being confused of what was required. I think student's didn't realise the freedom Gary was giving them in this task. I find this same process happening often in the learning environment and the work place. 
In the work environment certain employees can be given a basic explanation of what is required and then left to complete the task with little guidance or assistance. Then there other employees who really need a lot of guidance and instructions. The individual learning styles of students is an area I will need to be aware of in my own teaching. In my future teaching experiences I will be sure to come across student's who fall into different learning styles. I will need to identify these student's preferred styles of learning and then proceed accordingly and tailor parts of my lessons to these student's different learning styles. 


From the first week I could really see the benefit of this task. I have always struggled to remember material being taught especially if only reading from a text book. This really reinforced material for me through the use of imagery, video and sound on the sensory level. This cognitivist theory of approach really started to give me a better understanding of how I learn. This can be seen as a schema or symbolic mental construction (, Cognitivism, 2013). 
I was also experiencing neurological pathways being laid and the knowledge was being retained. Creating a blog weekly forced me to recover areas I had learnt but still had not retained. By the end I found the knowledge was there and easy to tap into. An example of this was expanding the SAMR model. At first I had to keep referring back to areas where the abbreviation had been expanded out. By about week four I had memorised what each letter stood for and the concept behind it. I then started to think about the process of the blog and how it was helping me remember certain areas/topics in the learning materials. This ability to think about your own thinking is what neuroscientists call metacognition and as your metacognitive abilities increase research shows they also achieve higher levels (Price-Mitchel, 2015). Although I had read about this and viewed videos on this topic of metacognition this was the light bulb moment for me. I had witnessed and experienced it first hand in my own learning's.

Fig 1. Auto Collage on thinking about thinking.
(C.Falconer. 2011).,  (Love this Pic. n.d.)., (Moran89. n.d.)., (Redlands. n.d.)., (Showbiz Geek. n.d.). (Y. Toribio. 2014). & (K. Tschiesche. 2012). 

SAMR Model 

I also analysed the blog task and processed its movement along the SAMR model and how I believe it has eventuated to the final category of the SAMR model, redefinition. 

This would have been typically a task completed as a journal entry. Obviously this would have had restrictions when using a traditional pen and paper technique and the use of ICT's would have been limited or to the basis of a word document.

The augmentation process would have been starting to use more features of the word document like styling and even pasting digital images into the document.

This would see the transition from a word document for example to starting to use a blog software to upload entries. The use of the web to publish and produce the journal.

This is where Gary now has the process of a weekly blog entry which encourages the use of different software styles. The input of multiple media files not just text based but the blog can consist of presentations, images, video and podcasts. Also the ability to view and comment on peers work creates greater engagement which would have most certainly not been possible for a pen and paper or word document based task.


Overall I found the blog task aided my style of learning perfectly. In the past I have kept notes as I completed the subject but found none of this material was retained. This has really enhanced my view, on my own learning styles. It has brought to my attention of how other students learn and that I will need to always tailor my teachings to the different learning styles which I come across in the learning environment

(The Slides. n.d.). 

Oh and don't forget to,
( n.d.).


C.Falconer. (2011). 5 Fertile Thoughts for Personal Growth: Thinking about Thinking. Retrieved from (n.d.). Leave a comment. Retrieved from Link

GSI Teaching and resource centre (2015). Social Constructivism
Retrieved from

K. Tschiesche. (2012). Logical Thinking: How to use your brain to your advantage. Retrieved from, Cognitivism (2013). 
Retrieved from

Love this Pic. (n.d.). Thinking about Thinking. Retrieved from

Moran89. (n.d.). Stop Thinking About Thinking. Retrieved from

M, Price-Mitchell. (2015). Metacognition: Nurturing Self-Awareness in the classroom. Retrieved from:

Redlands. (n.d.). Metacognition-thinking about your thinking. Retrieved from

Showbiz Geek. (n.d.). The Simpsons, Homer Thinking . Retrieved from Link

The Slides. (n.d.). Doc Pad Presentation. Retrieved from Link

Y. Toribio. (2014). Metacognition: Connecting my Bloom-ing thoughts. Retrieved from

Friday 10 April 2015

Reflection 4, Week 5.


This week I will be examining two types of ICT tools (Information Communication Technology). After listening to the on line tutorial this week Gary mentioned some exciting tools to get stuck into and have a play with. 
The first of the Group three ICT tools  I have decided to use is the Prezi tool which is much like power point but has some really cool features of how you can make the presentation zoom in and out. 
In my discussion I have related this to the SAMR Model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition) and also conducted a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) on the ICT tool. 
The second is from the Group four ICT tools which is the mind mapping program. With this tool I used it as an example of how a task could be incorporated into the learning environment.

Group 3 ICT Tool

Prezi SAMR Model

The Prezi tool is the ICT tool from the Group three list I decided to engage with. It has a range of different tools when compared to the traditional Power-point used for presentations. I decided to create a brief presentation explaining the break even point in business. It did not take me long to become accustom with the tools and modification was very simple. 
This could be a great tool for students but keeping in mind the SAMR model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification & Redefinition) where the focus would be ensuring the use of the tool was associated to the upper section on the SAMR model of either modification or redefinition.
A perfect example of this would be a task where the students could create their own presentation. This would fall under modification on the SAMR model as it is getting the student away from the traditional methods used for presentations. 
My main subject being business, power-point presentations are used frequently in business and often people do not look for tools outside the traditional source of a power-point. I believe if students where to create a Prezi presentation this would wow many people in the business community. It would also keep the audiences engaged longer in a short presentation rather than having a power-point presentation. 
After creating my own Prezi which can be viewed in Fig 1. I then decided to create a SWOT analysis on the Prezi tool. Overall I did not find a lot of threats and believe it could become a meaningful and valuable ICT tool used in the learning environment. 

SWOT Analysis on Prezi ICT tool.

  • Easy to use and simple quick log in.
  • Displayed publicly so anyone can see (On free version).
  • Easy to insert images from the web.
  • Ideal for short presentations.
  • Grabs audience's attention quickly.
  • Breaks away from traditional presentation platforms.

  • To obtain privacy of your publication must buy a version of Prezi.
  • Images inserted are straight from the internet making it hard to reference these images.
  • Limited templates (On free version).
  • Zoom feature can be over used making audience nauseous when viewing presentation.

  • To buy a version to obtain privacy and access to more tools.
  • Is more interactive then Power-point.
  • Engages students to look for alternatives in presentation styles.

  • On the free version all Prezi's produced have no privacy setting. 
  • Students could post explicit material or breach copyright law.

(Fischer, Halacsy & Arvai 2009)

Group 4 ICT Tool is the second ICT tool from group four I engaged with. It is basically a on line mind mapping tool. The tool is very easy to use and in minutes you can have a mind map with the essentials already listed. 
A major positive I found for tool is its instant styling. Styling can be easily tailored as you work through the process of creating a mind map. 
I have only ever used Microsoft word in the past for the creation of a mind map and always dreaded the task. The actual set up of a mind map in Microsoft Word would be very time consuming. This also stifled my thoughts as I was paying too much attention on the aesthetics of the mind map. 
I wish I had known of this tool earlier as I have already created two mind maps this semester for another subject. This is an ICT tool I will be most definitely going back to use again and again. 
Once again referring back to my subject of Business this would be a great tool where students could be assigned into groups and given a task to brain storm ideas. If the students were given access to it online they could also add to this mind map at any time or day. All members could be given access to the tool making this possible and you the teacher still remain in control as the administrator. This would also encourage learning outside of the classroom. Students could add content as the idea was generated. Not wait until they were back in the learning environment. 
I decided to have a go at the ICT tool and started off generating marketing strategies for a new business which could be associated to any business. This could be a great starting exercise in a lesson for students to get them thinking about ways of marketing a new or any business.
Please refer to Fig 2 for my first mind map created on

Fig 2. New Business Marketing Ideas Mind Map.
(Edelman & Amelyan 2006)

This week I have really enjoyed interacting with the ICT tools selected Prezi from group three and from group four. 
I believe both these ICT tools would really engage all types of learners as they really appeal on so many different stimulus levels. A learning theory I believe it would have a major impact in would be social constructivism. Social constructivism is learning through the guidance and collaboration with others (GSI Teaching and resource center, 2015). Both these ICT tools could aide this learning of social constructivism. The Prezi could develop this learning theory by either a presentation from the Teacher to the Students or from Students to other students. The could be a great tool for the encouragement of this learning theory as it can engage students working together both in the traditional learning environment of a classroom or the modern online forum.

I hope you have enjoyed my synopsis on these two ICT tools and feel free to leave a comment below.

Week 4.Final Post: 10/04/15.


A, S. Fischer. P, Halacsy., & P, Arvai. (2009). Prezi presentation software. [Computer software].  Budapest, Hu: Sunstone Capital.

GSI Teaching and resource centre (2015). Social Constructivism
Retreieved from

K, Edelman. L, Amelyan. (2006). Mind mapping, Brainstorming, Organising Tool. [Computer software]. Milwaukee, Wi: LKCollab, LLC.

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Reflection 3, Week 4.


For this week's reflection Gary has really opened up the task, by asking us to engage in the choice of three media tools which are Podcasts, Images and Audio. 

In this weeks online lecture I was really impressed with the Microsoft Collage tool shown by Gary which was given as an example. I couldn't help myself but to jump straight in and download this tool and you will find my results further into this week's post. 

I also looked into image re sizing through a software I have used before called Gimp and I also sampled After experimenting with these tools I then completed a Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition (SAMR Model) analysis on further use of these tools in the learning environment.

I then decided to venture into the unknown territory, as that's half the point right? So I decided to have a go at a Podcast. Having been a huge fan of two Podcasts, Conversations with Richard Fidler on ABC and Tim Reid's podcast of Small Business Big Marketing. I have definitely listened to my fair share of podcasts. These great podcasts even kept me entertained on my long drive up from the Sunshine Coast to Rockhampton for rec week. 

Microsoft Research AutoCollage 2008

Well this tool that I was so very impressed with first let me down. The first few collages I made came out with nothing but a black image. At first I trialed and errored on the tool by adding different amounts of photos into the collage software, but still had no success. Before moving on and giving it a complete miss. I removed and re installed the software this then worked fine for me. Much like the fix for Gary's microphone problems on the lecture this week. My first collage was a collection of images taken of me surfing at Noosa Heads Qld, please refer to Fig 1.

Fig 1. First attempt of Microsoft Research AutoCollage 2008.

I was not completely happy with my first attempt as I noticed the software draws it focuse on the people's profile in the images selected. My research on this later confirmed that the software draws attention by object recognition and face detection Microsoft (2008). As you can see there where other surfers in the water that day that could not be helped being captured in the photos

Gimp Image Cropping

This then moved me onto my next task of image re sizing through cropping. I used a tool I was with familiar with from other university projects which was Gimp. This is a free software used for image manipulation. I re cropped the photos which had other surfers in either the foreground or background. As you will see from my second attempt of the collage in Fig 2. I think you will agree the overall collage certainly combines in a much better and pleasing image overall.

Fig 2. Second attempt of Microsoft Research AutoCollage 2008.

The two images I cropped have been listed below to show a before and after of how I cropped out the other people in the images.

Fig 3. Before Cropping.
After Cropping.
Fig 4.

Fig 5. Before Cropping.
Fig 6. After Cropping.

These images took up to a minute to upload due to there size being anywhere from 800KB to 10MB. image re-size.

I then moved onto a new program which Gary suggested called With this program I decided to tried reducing the image size. I also wanted to notice if there was any degrading of the quality on the image. As you can see from the below examples in Fig 7 this was the original image before resizing with a width = 4616 pixels, height = 2952 pixels and size 9.37MB. Compared to the re sized image in Fig 8 which was reduced down to a width = 300 pixels, height = 192 pixels and a size of 25.5KB. There does not seem to be a lot of difference evident to the naked eye. It is suggested however to double click on each image individually. 

Once the image is blown up the quality in the pix-elation does become evident and the original non reduced image does show a much clearer picture. Another factor in the process I recorded in  was upload speed/time. The original image took 40 seconds to upload to the blog. The re-sized image only took 4 seconds this is a huge difference. This might not concern many people but if you had ten or more images to upload this could result in a major time saver in upload time and also internet usage.

Fig 7. Original W4616 x H2952 x Size 9.37MB upload time 40 seconds.

Fig 8. Re-sized in W300 x H192 x Size 25.5KB upload time 4 seconds.

SAMR Model

SAMR Model task to modify photographs and incorporate them into students studies through the use of ICT's.

An example of substitution for a image task could be for students to bring to the learning environment their own photos in a traditional printed form. To substitute this students would be bringing in photos on a USB stick to use for the task and upload to a computer.

Augmentation would be for students to scan these already printed images onto a computer. Then use a software as demonstrated in this blog such as Gimp and to re scale and crop images.

Would be the student taking their own photos and using software to re scale and modify the pictures to use in a task. An example would be to turn the photos into a collage such as the one I created in Microsoft Research AutoCollage 2008 refer to Fig 1 and 2.

These photos could be used in their creation of a website, blog or wiki creation. Or used in a movie with only still images used as the imagery.

The use of the SAMR model really helped me with my mode of thinking on this task. I can see how I will need to refer back to this model when teaching to ensure the desired affect in the use of ICT's is achieved, which is transformation.

Paddo's Podcast 

The making of the podcast was very simple. I found the audacity software easy to navigate around and it only took me about 30 minutes before I had the basic requirements for recording my own voice and adding some music in as a intro. 

Where I got stuck was then being able to upload this into my blog. It appears most web content is really tailored around images and video. So audio files by them selves are not accepted into YouTube or directly into the blog. This gave me a real challenge and in the end I video recorded a simple page on my mobile phone displaying Paddo's First Podcast Episode 1 hand written on the page. I then uploaded this into Windows Movie Maker and repeated the video footage as I lay my podcast recording over it. Sounds simple now but this took a couple of hours of experimenting until I got it to work in a format which could then be uploaded into my blog. Please listen to the final result by clicking on the below YouTube video in Fig 9.

Fig 9. Paddo's First Podcast Episode 1 recording. (Farriss & Hutchinson, 1987).

In order to know what to talk about in my podcast I created a rough script to follow to avoid silence in the recording. Please refer to this following link in Fig 10 if you wish to see my rough Script.

Fig 10. Link to Podcast Script.

This week really laid down some challenges and I really enjoyed the making of the Podcast. Even though I did experience some real technical issues in getting the podcast uploaded to the blog. The podcast is something I would really like to explore further and could be very useful students who may find oral learning more suited to their learning style. This could aid these students by having them listen to a podcast with headphones and then setting some tasks and questions to complete after listening to the podcast.

Anyhow this has felt like a very long and time consuming post as Gary did point out. Please feel free to add any comments they are always really appreciated.

Week 4.
Final Post: 01.04.15 Appprrriiilll FFFOooooolll.


Brewster, R. (2004). [Computer software]. Washington, DC: Freeware.

Farriss, A. & Hutchinson, M. (1987). New Sensation [Recorded by INXS]. [Mp3]. Retrieved from

Kimball, S. & Mattis, P. (1995). Gimp 2.8 [Computer Software]. Berkeley, CA: The Gimp Development Team.

Mazzoni, D. & Dannenberg, R. (1999). Audacity(R) [Computer software]. Adelaide, SA: Carnegie Mellon University.

Microsoft (2008). Forget the Scissors, Microsoft research Makes It Easier to Create Digital Photo Collages. September 4.
Retrieved from

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Reflection 2, Week 3.


In this week's task we were given three ICT tools to further explore and examine our findings on one of these tools. I have chosen the website and will explore this in further detail. First I explored the website creation through Weebly then how this could be used as a tool in the learning environment. Then I conducted a Positive, Negative and Interesting (PMI) overview on having website creation in the learning environment.

Website Building

In my last year of university I studied writing code for HTML (Hypertext Mark-up language) and (CSS Cascade Style Sheets). This is the first basic code writing for creating a website. As it states in the name HTML, (language) it is like learning another language. Like any language there are many anomalies unique aspects which are not learnt until practicing the subject. 

In the course we basically worked on designing a website and the important aspect was to create some kind of interaction of the website with the user. This week's task in some way is much the same however I have had to tailor my interactions of the website to a new audience of students, rather than potential customers as per my past websites.

This week I have used a "What you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) software website or blog building application called Weebly to design a basic website. Weebly basically gives the ability for anyone with basic computer skills to design and develop their own website or blog. It has a large range of templates which help give the user a starting point on the design and layout of their creation Fanini, Rusenko, & Veltri. (2006).

Much like Google Blogger there are many little hidden discrepancies around the design process. For example I have found often when pasting content into Blogger from another source the data is often corrupted or hard to style the same as the existing content. Also often in the draft mode this can appear very different then when published. This is often the case with typical code programming for websites. This is a challenge students would need to overcome and find ways around glitches in software coding programs that can be inhibiting at times.

At first my thoughts around this was how will students learn about website construction if using this type of format rather than the traditional code writing practice of HTML. In some ways this could be compared to going to the library and researching a topic which was the more traditional method. To now the common method of conducting your research by searching online for your content. 

However as I explored the Weebly software I discovered many similarities in traditional code writing, as there where many limitations. This is much the case in the practice of typing HTML code. As you delve into programming you require more technical responses from your website. This then requires more knowledge in the HTML programming language. The Weebly software does not offer certain features unless you are willing to pay for the service. This is a challenge that all novice website programmers will face. What the Weebly software does however offer is a sample of website building for students. The students who then find this interesting can then pursue this field further and obtain more knowledge in this area. 

Website Task for Students

My thoughts then moved onto creating a website that would encourage students to want to learn more on this topic. Perhaps a promotional tool for young web programmers to encourage them into the field.

I based the website on displaying what the day in the life of a programmer who had chosen this as their choice of career could look like. I obviously added some spin as Bachelor in Business Graduate would naturally do. I did this by creating a character who was much like a modern day James Bond secret agent. 

To view the website simply click on the below link or image in Fig 1 to take you directly to the website.

Fig 1

A task that this could be used for in a learning environment could be for students in a Business Studies subject to create a website for a small business, government agency, blog site or even a not for profit organisation. This would encourage students to research the topic so they knew and understood what kind of content was required for a website. At the same time exploring their skills in the design and program aspect of creating a website.

Positive, Minus & Interesting (PMI) for Website design in the classroom

After mocking up a dummy website on the Weebly website creation application. I decided to conduct some further thought in regards to the controversy of allowing website design software into the learning environment. A Positive, Minus and Interesting (PMI) is a useful tool for weighing up the positives and negatives of a decision or course of direction you intend to take. It also allows you to look at the situation and decide if any action is required. The PMI was developed by Edward de Bono in 1982 Hill (n.d.). 

During the process of the PMI I struggled with any positives and it really looked like it was going to fall under the category as a negative or no go topic. However as I continued to think about the topic I found more positives started to flow through. I now also realise from the process it would work a lot better in a group situation where different personality types and opinions could be collected to obtain a greater diversified range of responses. Unfortunately I did not have access to a group but this certainly could be a great tool to use for a Wiki with my fellow colleagues that are also currently studying this course.  In the end I believe the positives outweighed the negatives which is evident in Fig 1 below. During the PMI process under the category interesting I became aware that most of the negatives could be controlled in some way or mean. The negatives could also become areas of teaching greater awareness to the students to aide avoiding these negative implications. For a better view of the PMI I created please refer to the below link Fig 2 where I have included this in my Weebly website where there is a larger and clearer view of this image.

Link to PMI on my Weebly Website.

Fig 2. PMI.

Well thanks again for reading my blog and if you would like to contribute or have something to say about my blog I would love to receive your comments.

Week 3.
Final Post: 26.03.15


Hill, R. (n.d.). Mind Tools, Weighing the Pros and Cons of a Decision. Retrieved from

Fanini, C. Rusenko, D & Veltri, D.  (2006). Weebly [Computer software]. San Francisco, CA.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Reflection 1, Week 2.


In this week’s blog I will discussing pedagogy, I even tried to get a little creative this week and created an acrostic with the word pedagogy. Most of you would be familiar with an acrostic or maybe just didn’t know that’s what it’s called, anyhow I certainly didn’t. Basically an acrostic is where the first letters of the word are used for either a phrase or individual word, they are often used for poems (Young Writers UK, n.d.). I even managed to find a link between the exercise of creating the acrostic with the theory of Blooms taxonomy. I then further reflect on my own Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and where I believe I need further development in this area. I also complete this week’s blog with some further analysis on the Substitution Augmentation Modification & Redefinition Model (SAMR). Finally furthering exploring scaffolding and the ways it is used in the context of this course. 


As part of this week’s reflection I decided to create an acrostic with the word pedagogy. I used phrases from each letter of the word to further explain what I believe is important to create good pedagogy.

Pedagogy Acrostic

Purpose in what you’re teaching to ensure students obtain a further understanding of the topic.
Energy in the classroom that creates synergy of students and teacher.
Debate that creates discussion and thought around the learning's.
Align content with activities that create classroom interaction.
Get everyone involved by tailoring and mixing activities to students learning styles.
Ownership, students stepping up to control and manage their learning's.
Good learning challenges students.
You’ve got to remember to have fun.

The Pedagogy Acrostic Exercise Linked to Blooms Taxonomy

Acrostics are very useful in remembering the meaning of the word Deanhard & Hokanson (2015). This process of the acrostic really made me analyse the meaning of pedagogy deeper and stretch my thought process in explaining the word whilst being constrained in some way by only being able to use the first letter to construct a phrase. This method could also come under Blooms Taxonomy area of synthesis or application. Acrostics are also used in poetry and as per Fig 1 below the wheel of Blooms Taxonomy class’s poems under the synthesis outer circle. The wheel used in this week’s readings however classed it under application. I think you could debate equally as to which area it comes under but holistically poetry/poems is linked to Blooms Taxonomy and this process certainly aided my learning's in gaining knowledge on pedagogy.

De Bono’s Thinking Hats Explored

Through this week’s wiki task and the use of De Bono’s thinking hats the teacher has enabled students whose locations are scattered throughout Australia to collaborate and discuss the topic the use of mobile phones in the classroom. It may be coincidence but a major link I consider in using technology is to obtain classroom interaction. Through the use of De Bono’s thinking hats this has been created. This week’s De Bono’s thinking hats task has created for distance learning students the chance to team up. It also gave all students the ability to put forward their own opinion with minimum negative feedback or fear of emotional or social criticism. This line of thought must be considered when contemplating digital pedagogy. The use of mobile phones in the classroom could be a useful way of turning a classroom distraction into a positive by discovering the mobile phones strengths which the teacher can use to his/hers advantage in the classroom by creating greater classroom collaboration. 

This got me thinking of ways the mobile phone could be used in the classroom to assist the teacher. In remote locations where students often face great distances and even changing weather conditions which may permit then getting to school. Teachers and students could rely on the mobile phone to still complete lessons for example through Apple’s FaceTime application. This could allow the student to still view the lesson through the camera application on their mobile phone. So in sense they could still hear, see the lesson and even contribute verbally just not physically be there. This would still involve a reliable phone network but could certainly be explored as an option.. Another example I thought of was using the mobile phones features for general activities like the calculator for maths equations or the compass which could be used for outdoor events such as orienteering. The students could also be taught the traditional methods as well to ensure when they do not have access to the technology they have a fall back method. 

Although this may be considered simplistic use of ICT’s in the classroom it would assist in reducing the distraction of the mobile phone in the classroom for personal use. This will enable the teacher to gain some control over the students use on the mobile phone whilst in the classroom.  Rather than trying to control the students personal use on the device by simply banning mobile phones from the classroom. I believe it comes down to the age old saying to this topic if you can’t beat them then join them.

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

In reflection of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) I feel only just becoming aware of pedagogy since starting this course I have yet to obtain a greater understanding of this area. 

As my progression continues in this area I would class this as my area for improvement and requires further development. The Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) and Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) are certainly areas I’m stronger in due to past experiences and recent studies in Business and Information Technology. 

When thinking of ways to integrate Information Communication Technologies (ICT’s) into the classroom I find myself struggling to think of meaningful ways to introduce the use of these items. However as I witness more examples like Yoki and De Bono’s Hats my awareness to ICT’s is expanding and most importantly the purpose of how to use ICT’s to create effective learning. I know this will be an area I will be exploring when my prac studies start. I will be duly examining the use of ICT’s in the school I’m appointed too and also thoroughly examining the teacher’s use of ICT’s to also further my development. 

Whilst researching the topic further I found this great video Fig 2 that reminded me that good teachers are continually learning. The comment on the video that you cannot be a master teacher until you are master learner Fisk & Murphy, (2012). Really points out the fact that teachers need to be continually keeping up with new learning's themselves otherwise they will be left behind and unfortunately so will their students.

Substitution Augmentation Modification & Redefinition Model (SAMR)

As mentioned earlier the mobile phones existing applications like the calculator could be used in the classroom. This example of the calculator being used on the student’s mobile phone would be a good example of substitution in the SAMR model. Opposed to working out findings by pen and paper or using a traditional calculator. 

I believe now becoming aware of the SAMR model this will help myself and other students transitioning into teaching to be aware of technology substitution. This could be an easy habit or trend to become accustom to for teachers when not completely understanding ICT's and there desired purpose. As teachers we need to be aiming for the top two levels of modification and redefinition when applying ICT's in the classroom which will result in transition for students rather than just enhancement. Teachers need to be constantly questioning themselves are their lesson plans incorporating ICT's and achieving a level of transformation for students learning. 

With the case of this subject and creating a blog I believe this would fall under the category modification in the SAMR model. From my own experience at University a traditional subject would have had the students complete this part of the subject in an essay form rather than a blog.  The blog in sense is still having the student conduct the same process of an essay in regards to research, referencing and structure. However the process of the blog is giving me the student greater levels of freedom and feedback by being able to include media means like videos. It also encourages other forms of creativity by enabling students to create their own pieces of work with these other means. Along with the ability to read other students work I find, also widens my process of thought as I'm able to experience other student’s opinions and ideas. I'm also able to openly discuss this with other students in a comfortable supportive environment.

Video in Fig 3 is a short summary of the SAMR Model which was created by students. I found I related better with this explanation then the course video supplied. I believe as this video was created by students that also had recently acquired this information on the SAMR Model they were able to express this in a more meaningful manner which I was able to better relate too. 

The Value of Scaffolding

As part of this week’s blog task we were asked to include a reflection on the purpose and value of scaffolding. I’m still not completely familiar with the understanding around the terminology scaffolding and did not see any real substance explaining it in this week’s reading. I basically interpret it as the structure around the learning process to guide and help the student achieve the learning outcome. I watched the below video Fig 4 on YouTube which summarised scaffolding under four categories.

1.  Meta cognitive this allows the learner to review and access what they already understand.
2. Procedural which guides the learner.
3. Strategic this gives the learner alternatives to a specific task.
4. Conceptual guides the teacher in what to consider.

The video also explained that scaffolds can be used to help guide or direct the learner to a solution if the learner finds themselves struggling to work through or complete the task Stevan (2014). With this in mind I have listed what I believe the scaffolding is for this particular course and which of the four areas they fall under;
  •  Weekly Topics. Procedural.
  •   Weekly readings. Procedural.
  •  Weekly tasks. Procedural.
  •  Discussion Boards. Strategic.
  • Weekly blog. Strategic.
  • Weekly Collaborative session. Conceptual. 

I’m interested if I’m on the right path here with regards to scaffolding and any discussion or critiquing will be greatly appreciated from my comrades.

Anyhow well that’s week two over and I hope you enjoyed my content and would greatly appreciate any feedback or discussion on anything I have raised here.

Week 2.

Posted: 20.03.15


Denhard, K., & Hokanson, B. (2015). Guides for menorising series. Retrieved from

Fisk, E., & Murphy, A. (2012, Feb 22). Teachers: Are you up to date?  A Gallery of Teacher ivideos. [Video file] Retrieved from

Rich Colosi Media (2014, June 20). The SAMR Model Explained by Students. [Video file] Retrieved from

Sowash, J. (2009). Google-Proof Questioning: A New Use for Bloom's Taxonomy [Image]. Retrieved from

Stevan, W. (2014, Jan 30). Scaffolding in education [Video file]. Retrieved from

Young Writers UK. (n.d.). Welcome to Young Writers’ free Poetry Glossary.